Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How to verify and know more about prescription medicines online or in a medical store / pharmacy?

You want to know about the medicines prescribed by your doctor, its side effects, recommended dosage, contra indications, sp, int, adr etc. Also, how many times you were shocked and made frantic calls to see that the doctors prescription in hand, doesnot specify exact gms /unit of medicine to be bought? This is serious, if you cannot get a clarification from the doctor who prescribed accessible at all!

Here is a helpful tip and steps: (to be used wisely, in case professional help is not available for you) 

  1. Ask the pharmacist to give you the medical directory book(it is called CIMS book, as I have seen it in Indian drug stores).
  2. See prescribed drug brand name under the yellow pages(namely, Albhabetical Brand Index) of CIMS book and get the page number listed there against the drug name.
  3. Goto this pagenumber in the CIMS book and see the drug name listed under its generic (chemical / pharmaceutical) name.
  4. You can read about this drug then to see the usage, recommendations, side effects, dosage, ci, sp, int, adr etc. 
  5. Check together with the pharmacist or a doctor, if possible.Even otherwise, you could use this as you use the dictionary and get very useful information.

Here is the online Website with free registration: cimsasia.com . 

Incase, if you already have the tablet / medicine in hand, see the chemical name and search in internet for the same. But registering for free in this website and checking would give you more precise information.

Sharing this information, as I learned it from a doctor at a crucial time when we needed help.Hope it will be useful for you as well. Do share in your comments and experiences.


  1. thanks for sharing this.definitely a useful reference.

  2. its really useful. i think we all should get latest edition of CIMS at home..

  3. thank you dr.amal for sharing this when we needed it!

  4. thank you rakesh! kindly spread the blog on my behalf!


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